For 50 years, the People’s Television Network, Inc. (PTNI), with its brand name PTV, is the country’s premier source of government news and information. Established on February 2, 1974, its operations, now with nationwide reach, is mandated by virtue of Republic Act 7306, as amended by Republic Act 10390.

Contact Us

Broadcast Complex, Visayas Ave
Brgy. Vasra, Quezon City
Phone: (02)-84510914


PTV offers balanced programming of news as well as informative and public service shows both local and international.

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As a transparency measure, PTV ensures that all transactions and purchases undergo the process of bids and awards.

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As an advocate of responsible journalism, PTV has earned nominations and accolades from various award giving bodies.

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Financial Report

PTV assures an effective management of its resources as declared in its annual financial reports.

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A pearl buried inside a tightly-shut shell is practically worthless. Government information is a pearl, meant to be shared with the public in order to maximize its inherent value.

Source: Section 7.0

Source: Section 7.0, National Budget
Circular No. 542, August 29, 2012

PTNI FOI Documents
Citizen’s Charter